Frequently Asked Questions

Ordering & Payment

How long will it take for my order to ship?

All items are made to order. Please allow us up to 10 business days to assemble and ship your order. If you require expedited processing for your order, please contact us and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.

Can I cancel my order?

We only accept order cancellations in the next 2 hours after purchasing. To request a cancellation, please contact us.

When will the next shop update be?

You can always find out when the next drop/shop update will be on our Instagram. If an update date has been determined, it will be in the bio.

Shipping & Returns

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship worldwide from Czechia to most of the countries! You can find the list of countries we don't ship to in our Shipping Policy.

How much is the shipping to my country?

Shipping rates are the following:

  • Czechia: €3.50
  • EU countries: €6.50
  • Rest of the world: €7.00

What should I do if my order hasn't arrived?

Parcels are usually delivered within 1-3 weeks but may take up to 2 months in rare cases.

Please note that we are not responsible for shipping delays caused by unforeseen circumstances or carrier issues.

For any concerns about your shipment, please contact the carrier directly or contact us for assistance. If there has been no update on your tracking for more than 30 days, please contact us. We will raise a complaint through Czech post.

Can I return or exchange my order?

All sales are final. We only accept returns/exchanges if the item is defective, damaged, or not as described. To request a return, please contact us within 14 days after receiving your item.

You can find more information about returns here.

Products & Materials

Do you accept custom orders?

Yes, we do! To request a custom, please contact us on Instagram or through this form.

What materials are used in your jewelry?

We primarily use high-quality Czech glass beads and handmade lampwork beads from other artists. Currently, 95% of our materials are sourced from either Czechia or other EU countries.

We use only vegan materials, which means our jewelry does not include real pearls, bee wax, animal parts, etc.

Learn more about our materials and ethical practices here.

We also use durable stainless steel wire and findings for most of our jewelry. However, for our silver pieces we also offer an alloy option which is more affordable.

Learn more about the difference between these two metals here.

Where do you buy your beads?

The majority of our beads are made in Czechia. We buy most of them in person directly from the manufacturers in a town called Jablonec nad Nisou where traditional Czech glass beads are made. In the past, we've shared a few videos with our favourite stores on our Instagram page.

The lampwork beads we use are created by small European businesses that can be found on Etsy or Instagram.

How do I care for my jewelry?

You can find our jewelry care instructions on this page.

If you haven't found an answer to your question, feel free to reach out to us through the form below